Gotta have ice cream: Swanky Scoop. Heard many great recommendations about this place and it did not disappoint. Multiple flavors including at least 8 vegan offerings. To me, vegan or...
Pho anyone? Pho 175. Once again found ourselves in Woodinville and decided to give this place a try. It did not disappoint. Expect typical Vietnamese cuisine with an extensive Pho...
Great option: Heritage. While Purple Cafe has been our go to for many years while in Woodinville. But, we are always looking for other options in a town that is...
The experience continues: Rusty Pelican. Once again back in Woodinville and decided to give this place a try for lunch. The menu is fairly standard with salads, soups, burgers and...
Wine around every corner: Woodinville Wine Country. There are more than 130 wineries offering almost as many tasting rooms. Here are a few of my favorites: Darby Wines: I’ve known...
Artisan fast food pizza: MOD Pizza. All made to order….from any of 30 toppings and in a pizza oven no less! It’s Seattle based but they have over 300 locations...
Former Biker Bar: Hollywood Tavern. Started out as a service station in 1922 then became a roadside tavern in the 1940s. Completely renovated a few years ago and has now...